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Why Women Pivot Tour Stop #1 in the Books

On June 20th, a enthusiastic group of women assembled at Northside Social for networking and discussion about Trish Barber’s recently released book Why Women Pivot. Everyone walked away with a signed copy of the book and a better understanding of how the book came to be.

“I was thrilled to see so many supporters in the audience! There were a few lessons learned that I will incorporate into future events which means they will just keep betting better and better! Several people told me afterward that men would also benefit from the concepts in this book. Reviewers have also said the same so I’m hoping that more men join our next event,” said Barber.

Panelists for the Arlington event included Carmel McDonagh, SVP Yes& Agency; Lauren Johns, SVP Finance Presidio Federal; Ada Q of the Nova Labs Robotics Team. Panelists brought their experiences about effective mentoring, personal branding, identity shifts, and the benefits of STEM experiences for girls.

Book Tour Stop 1

Quotes from Attendees

“Trish gave us all a snapshot of the major topics from “Why Women Pivot”, panelists shared their stories and attendees left with thoughtful ideas to bring back into their day-to-day work as male and female leaders.” Carmel McDonagh, SVP Yes& Agency.

“I appreciated that Trish assembled a diverse panel that discussed women in the workplace and the future of women in STEM. Trish and her guests outlined the challenges for women and laid out what companies need to do to be more women-friendly. Trish also shared enlightening statistics of the positive outcomes for companies when women are part of the team, particularly in leadership roles.” Beth
, Chief Thinker, Thinkout Consulting

“Trish shared experience and insights from her pivot story and chose amazing women panelists to also talk about theirs. The evening was a delightful mix of storytelling and wisdom shared by Trish and the impressive panelists, each describing their own unique career journeys filled with sometimes difficult choices and important transitions along the way.” Carmen Redelat, Senior Manager of IT Architecture, Universal Service Administrative Company