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Why Women Pivot is a nonfiction book that guides and inspires ambitious women at all phases of their careers searching for balance, tools, guidance and the confidence to persevere. Join us on the 4-city Book Tour!

Presale for
Women Who Pivot

Releasing Spring 2024

Woman Who Pivot is a nonfiction book that guides and inspires women at all phases of their careers
searching for balance, opportunity, growth, guidance and camaraderie

About my book, Why Women Pivot

Why Women Pivot: As women become leaders, partners, caregivers of family members, or empty nesters, their careers and priorities go through major transitions. These transitions are powerful and often cause women to envision a new professional path that provides balance and personal growth. Ultimately we plan a pivot. These pivots don’t happen overnight and can be facilitated by some basic tools and ideas.

I wrote this book because, like men, women need resources when they take on big roles. Some companies provide them and some need help becoming female-friendly. Many women are becoming the primary earners in their families or major income contributors, and are also staying in the job market longer than ever. There are inflection points that cause career pivots. Some come from within, and some are influenced by the life that happens around you (births, deaths, marriages, divorces,  health challenges, changes in priorities). Women should look at these as opportunities to create something that meets them where they are, while still being strategic about where they want to go.

My hope is that, in reading this book, women will become familiar with the various career phases they are likely to encounter, be better equipped to navigate a pivot, and realize that careers often take circuitous routes. But the journey is an essential part of developing your personal brand. Whether you wish to work toward starting your own business, navigate the corporate ladder or something in between, you can find balance and maneuver by hearing the stories and insights of women who will inspire and guide you.

What you will learn:

Creating and fostering your personal brand is an essential of every woman’s career journey

Your side hustle is often an on-ramp to your next pivot

Taking initiative for your own professional development creates a win for you AND the company you are employed by

Differences in the way men and women network

Essential benefits of being mentored and of mentoring

Stastical realities that women face in their careers so they can prepare

What to expect when pivoting to your own business

The realities of different childcare options and how to navigate them

Navigating a career AND a domestic partnership

How to come back from a pause or delay in your career

How to choose the type of
organization best suited to your circumstances

What companies need to know about working with women

More About My Publishing Journey

I started writing this book in late 2022 after a colleague told me about a program through Georgetown University that helps people craft a book. After meeting with Professor Eric Koester I was impressed by his ability to listen to my ideas and help me crystallize my thoughts in the span of a thirty minute Zoom call.  That led me to enroll in the program and I submitted my 27k word manuscript in April of 2023. The project was greenlit by my publisher, Manuscripts, and they provided me with a publishing team to help me finalize and launch my book. I worked with

  • A revisions editor, copy editor, and proofreader to further hone my book 
  • A book marketing specialist who coached and supported me in reaching new audiences
  • A cover artist and layout editor who designed the cover you see above

I submitted a revised 35k word manuscript in October of 2023 which then went through a final revisions process. I am planning to release my book as an audiobook edition in the fall of 2024 and my book tour has just kicked off! All we need is YOU to make the book tour a success!

You will love this book if you are:

  • Interested in starting a business and need to know what to consider
  • Juggling a leadership role with the care of others in your family and thinking about playing the long and short career game
  • An empty-nester thinking about “retirement” and needing a vision
  • Planning a family and weighing the professional impact
  • Looking for connections to other women who can support, inspire and mentor you
  • Feeling stagnant and want to get in touch with your authentic self
  • Frustrated by a career “setback” and wondering how to recover

Why Women Pivot is a nonfiction book that guides and inspires ambitious women at all phases of their careers searching for balance, tools, guidance and the confidence to persevere.

Ways You Can Support Me Now

  • Follow me on the social media channels listed below and share any posts about my book with your friends, family and network. Please use #WhyWomenPivot and tag me so I can appreciate you!
  • Please recommend my book to five (5) friends, family members, or co-workers who you think would enjoy it via text or direct message on social media.

Thank you so much for all of your love and support!

All the best!
Trish Barber

Speaking Engagements

Signature talks include:

  1. Understanding the phases of women’s careers and the tools you will need to navigate them
  2. What companies need to know about working with women
  3. Networking, mentoring and personal branding that will support any career pivot
  4. What to consider when contemplating entrepreneurship

Contact me to discuss how we can plan a private, customized, keynote presentation that includes signed copies of the book once it’s released!


Event registration is available

About the Author

Trish has worked at senior levels of large and small companies and non-profits. She has also launched companies as an entrepreneur and intrapreneur. She is energized by working with those who leverage technology in ways that change the world. 

Trish wrote this book because throughout her career, her counterparts were almost always men who didn’t have the same family responsibilities that she found herself juggling. At times this reality triggered a range of feelings from unworthy impostor to harried multi-tasker to just plain exhausted. As a technology marketer she’s watched companies seek-out women for tech positions but statistics show that women aren’t staying in those roles. She wanted to understand why and began researching this book. She has worked to capture ways for women to help themselves and for companies to benefit from putting women in leadership roles.

Throughout her career she has been exposed to people and opportunities that stretched her. She typically has pursued different creative endeavors “on the side” such as taiko drumming and performance, and now writing Why Women Pivot. These endeavors expanded her network and taught her to think in new ways.

Trish is CEO of 3WaysDigital and the mother of three grown children. She pivoted from a big company to founding a startup and then to consulting/advisory services when a family crisis required adjustments to be made. Trish is making her next pivot as she takes her leadership skills to the board level. She is also speaking to companies that are interested in supporting the unique careers of women.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tickets are non-refundable, however, if you are unable to attend, you may transfer your ticket to another individual at no charge.

The presale is open for 30 days, and then you will have the option to join a waitlist and support when my book releases. If you preorder now, you will be able to participate in my publishing journey.

You can purchase multiple tickets if they are offered as a primary option when selecting your preorder, or if it is available as an add-on. If you want to purchase additional tickets after, you are welcome to use a second email address and place a new order — or, you contact the author and can upgrade your order for additional tickets.

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